Is Overwatch Easy to Play With a Mouse Reddit

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Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
  • #1

I got a new account on Overwatch thanks to the recent sale & am finally able to get back into PC Overwatch (Pro Tip: Do NOT play Overwatch on a MacBook Pro without a dedicated graphics card). Though since I had to play on PS4 for so long, I got used to the analog stick for movement. That's how I came across the Left Joy-Con + Mouse solution. I was actually surprised by how easy it was to get everything set up. The hard part was mapping the right buttons. But overall, my test-run earlier today turned out to be a huge success for me. I get the precise aiming of a mouse & the easy movement of an analog stick. That plus with the flexibility of button mapping for the Left Joy-Con, I can fit almost anything on it in conjunction with the additional buttons on the mouse.

So what do you guys think? Do you use this set-up, you have your own unorthodox control method for PC shooters, or do you stick to the traditional way? I'm curious to hear your thoughts, Era.



Saw the truth behind the copied door
  • #2
The PS Move Nav controller also works great though it requires some setup.
  • #3
This is why I like Paladins on Switch so much. You basically have this set up via motion controls with the right joy con
Chie Satonaka91
  • #4
I might have to try this. Is it easy to sync a joycon to a PC?
  • #5
It's okay but from a more serious/competitive perspective an analog key style keyboard like the Wooting would be more ideal. That gives you the only actual advantage analog sticks have (multiple degrees of movement so you can easily change speeds in your movement in a complex manner) without the downsides (not being able to change directions as complexly and as instantly as keyboard can).

For casual fun times it's chill tho, but I use a keyboard with an analog stick for this instead.



Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
  • #6
I might have to try this. Is it easy to sync a joycon to a PC?
The syncing process is actually as easy as any other Bluetooth controller. The hard part is the button mapping process, but that's more trial-&-error.
  • #7
I'm waiting patiently for this bad mothafucka to come back into stock. It's my dream controller and I'm ecstatic that it even exists:

I've used my JoyCon on PC before and they're great, but it seems you pretty much need intermediary hardware or specific software in order to enable true analog. There are ways though, IIRC

  • #8
I think gyro aiming is sort of underrated as a controller option for those who dislike mouse and keyboard and still want to play using a controller. I've got the steam controller (sort of wack) and the ps4 gyro function through steam to work well with overwatch. As a splatoon player, the controller does feel at home, so I go back forth between mouse/keyboard and the gyro controller.
  • #9
I think gyro aiming is sort of underrated as a controller option for those who dislike mouse and keyboard and still want to play using a controller.
100%. I mean it's not a mistake that gyro is the the competitive standard for the few console shooters that support it.
  • #10
The PS Move Nav controller also works great though it requires some setup.
And it has even more/better buttons.
  • #11
Are there any tools for using an Xbox One Controller with a mouse? I have a PC connected to my TV and would love this kind of flexibility.
  • #12
Using keyboard to move is one of the worst feeling control methods to me, so whenever I can cut that out, I will. I used to use a move navigation controller, however the software to get that to connect was very finicky. So I just started using half of my DS4.

I wish I had a dedicated shooter 'half controller' on PC, but all the ones I've seen look awful, and still don't give you as many buttons as joycon or ds4. Someone should really get on that market.

  • #13
I'm waiting patiently for this bad mothafucka to come back into stock. It's my dream controller and I'm ecstatic that it even exists:

I've used my JoyCon on PC before and they're great, but it seems you pretty much need intermediary hardware or specific software in order to enable true analog. There are ways though, IIRC

I'm intrigued...
  • #14
I tried it few times but I don't think it's viable for competitive games. The digital input of keyboards allows me to move at full speed at all times. Analog sticks are much slower and it matters in competitive environments.
Are there any tools for using an Xbox One Controller with a mouse? I have a PC connected to my TV and would love this kind of flexibility.

Some game support that natively. I think Steam controller configuration lets you do that for any game.
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  • #15
That's the Azeron Compact, a mini variant on the Azeron, a 3D-printed gamepad available on Etsy (currently out of stock until June) which represents the first genuine advance in gaming keyboards that I've seen in a long long time. It comes in left-handed and right-handed variants. Fuck a Logitech G13, this is the new wave.
I want an Azeron Compact for my left hand and a full-on Azeron for my right hand. That way I can switch between a mouse and an Azeron on my right hand and enjoy top-level controls for every single genre in gaming besides racing games.
  • #16
Back when I was playing hella Overwatch I used a PS4 controller in my left hand with a mouse. I imagine this is a lot more ergonomic.
Why would you do that?
  • #17
I recently played a bit of GTA V for some brief fun at my new computer desk. Realizing that I could use the controller, then suddenly switch to the mouse when aiming a gun or rifle was a real game changing experience.
  • #18
Back when I was playing hella Overwatch I used a PS4 controller in my left hand with a mouse. I imagine this is a lot more ergonomic.
for sure, if you've got small hands or a pair of these

a joycon with a battery pack is a hell of a lot more comfortable to use than the PS Nav controller I'll tell you that much

  • #19
That's the Azeron Compact, a mini variant on the Azeron, a 3D-printed gamepad available on Etsy (currently out of stock until June) which represents the first genuine advance in gaming keyboards that I've seen in a long long time. It comes in left-handed and right-handed variants. Fuck a Logitech G13, this is the new wave.
I want an Azeron Compact for my left hand and a full-on Azeron for my right hand. That way I can switch between a mouse and an Azeron on my right hand and enjoy top-level controls for every single genre in gaming besides racing games.
Definitely looks interesting. I wonder how it holds up using the bottom keys as WASD though. I want a more ergonomic left hand pad that gives me more inputs, but I still like digital WASD movement over an analog. Especially a sideways analog. I don't love the fact that it's 3D printed either.

BUT, it definitely has potential. I'll be keeping my eye on it.

  • #20
Giga Man
  • #21
I played Portal with a Mouse and the left side of the Xbox 360 controller. It was the only way I felt comfortable playing since I hate playing games on keyboard. The Joy-Con option sounds pretty amazing to me right now. Maybe I'll try and set that up when I get around to Portal 2.
Chie Satonaka91
  • #22
The syncing process is actually as easy as any other Bluetooth controller. The hard part is the button mapping process, but that's more trial-&-error.
I'll probably need to get a Bluetooth tingle, thanks for the tip.
  • #23
That sounds pretty awesome tbh. I like the mouse controls on pc games, but hate using keyboard for controls. Might have to look this up.
  • #24
100%. I mean it's not a mistake that gyro is the the competitive standard for the few console shooters that support it.
As far as I know, splatoon is really the only one. It baffles me how Blizzard hasn't enabled gyro functions on the ps4 version of overwatch. While I'm not going to say its mouse and keyboard level of accuracy, but it is much better in comparison to dual analogs, and honesty would give console players who want to stick to controllers a better chance on PC servers.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
  • #25
That sounds pretty awesome tbh. I like the mouse controls on pc games, but hate using keyboard for controls. Might have to look this up.
A spare left Joy-Con should cost you around $50 new if you don't just use your own pre-existing one.
  • #26
The Steam Controller is perfect for stuff like this.
  • #27
a joycon with a battery pack is a hell of a lot more comfortable to use than the PS Nav controller I'll tell you that much
if you have child-like hands
  • #28
I really hope that there is an option on the PS5/Xbox2 that allows a split controller.

Split controllers are god tier comfy.

  • #29
Not really because that claw grip that you needed at 1:10. Claw grip can burn in hell. Also too few buttons on lef hand.
  • #30
It's an underrated control method in general, I've been using PS Move Navigation controller and mouse for a few years now and love it, I've got mouse aiming, I've got analog stick movement, and I've got no hand pain from using a keyboard. It's great in general, not just for those with illness or disabilities. There are a few good videos on Youtube showing just how well it works.

Sadly the attitude you run into so often is that keyboard and mouse is sacred, that the keyboard part must never be replaced with anything, even something designed first and foremost for games, so attempts to ask for games to support controller and mouse inputs at the same time without the UI freaking out usually is met with heavy derision and no support. Recently Paladins even removed support (in a half-ass way, just stops you setting it up) for the control method despite having it there, fully functional, for years - they acknowledged that some players need/want it, and then decided it wasn't worth the effort re-enabling support.

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  • #31
I've done this on and off for many, many years. Normal controllers do have grips on them. You can just hold them on one side.
  • #32
for sure, if you've got small hands or a pair of these

a joycon with a battery pack is a hell of a lot more comfortable to use than the PS Nav controller I'll tell you that much

Oh man, that would be a dream saver, do they fit on while docked? My hands cramp up on my switch after like a half hour in handheld mode
  • #33

Nothing will ever surpass how confortable playing with this scheme was.

I feel with a couple extra buttons and analog triggers this could be the greatest controller.

  • #34
I use a Logitech G13 for my left hand because I hate WASD control.

But I never thought of trying a Joy-Con. Definitely going to need to look in to that for games that don't need quite so many buttons.

  • #35
Sadly the attitude you run into so often is that keyboard and mouse is sacred, that the keyboard part must never be replaced with anything y'know, designed first and foremost for games, so attempts to ask for games to support controller and mouse inputs at the same time without the UI freaking out usually is met with heavy derision and no support. .

This is so true. I can't tell you how many times I've posted about that on a support forum or game subreddit only to be met with a flood of "Why would you want that? Good luck getting owned".

Overwatch eventually fixed the issues associated with split controller. Though if that was the intention or not, it works now, and I am thankful.

And hearing that Paladins removed support and wont fix it actively makes me want to not ever play that.

  • #36
I can't AD strafe with an analog stick as well as I can with A and D keys, so I wouldn't be able to adjust to that.
  • #37
Nothing will ever surpass how confortable playing with this scheme was.

I feel with a couple extra buttons and analog triggers this could be the greatest controller.

I find the pointer aspect really uncomfortable. It gives me some sick hand cramps to have to constantly be pointing straight to the TV. I actually prefer playing Metroid Prime on the GC, losing the more precise controls and widescreen, just so I don't have to deal with it.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
  • #38
I use a Logitech G13 for my left hand because I hate WASD control.

But I never thought of trying a Joy-Con. Definitely going to need to look in to that for games that don't need quite so many buttons.

The left Joy-Con has 11 buttons on it, which is plenty for something like Overwatch.
  • #39
The left Joy-Con has 11 buttons on it, which is plenty for something like Overwatch.
I guess that's true when you think about it. I forget that if you have full mapping control that you would have access to that many.
  • #40
For most FPS games fast changes in direction are more valuable than analog control. But I'm all for people using whatever control schemes they like. With xinput becoming dominant in-game controller configuration took a nosedive.
  • #41
Although I'd say this is fine if you're just not concerned with learning keyboard movement, you won't reach the potential you would with a keyboard.

Analog movement sounds good on paper, but once you master keyboard controls, 3 fingers on directional keys will give you a lot faster control than an analog stick ever could. The lack of analog movement isn't a concern since your movement is relative to your analog aim, which makes your movement pseudo-analog as a result.

After a good deal of practice, keyboard movement becomes second nature. I probably hit 10+ movement keys per second during intense situations. It's second nature to the point where I don't even think about what I'm pressing. It's hard to say how long it takes to get to that point, however, as I've been playing PC shooters for 20+ years.

  • #42
I definitely appreciate the benefit of analog movement. But a fair few modern PC games disable mouse/kb if a gamepad is enabled, and vice-versa, so I'd be hesitant to get used to a mixed setup like this since a bunch of games wouldn't work with it. (This also limits the game compatibility of one analog-wasd keyboard I checked out recently, because it simulates a gamepad.)
  • #43
Sadly the attitude you run into so often is that keyboard and mouse is sacred, that the keyboard part must never be replaced with anything, even something designed first and foremost for games, so attempts to ask for games to support controller and mouse inputs at the same time without the UI freaking out usually is met with heavy derision and no support. Recently Paladins even removed support (in a half-ass way, just stops you setting it up) for the control method despite having it there, fully functional, for years - they acknowledged that some players need/want it, and then decided it wasn't worth the effort re-enabling support.

Accessibility is important and it's great that this is an option in Overwatch. It should be an option in any game.

But I do think the misconception that analog movement is superior to digital movement needs to be addressed. People don't often consider the fact that the movement is relative to analog aim in first-person shooters and as a result actually gives you an incredible level of control over movement direction.

In a game where your movement isn't relative to your aim, or isn't always relative to your aim, analog will offer significant advantage.

  • #44
when playing Horde with friends in Gears 4 on PC, I love using an elite controller in left hand and mouse in right. It's pretty great.

The elite maybe isn't the best for one handed use, and I have it propped on the couch since it's a heavy controller, lol, but I like that it has two extra inputs on the back.

My elite profile for Gears 4 on PC is weird. I have like... reload on LT. Actually, looking at it now, I guess reload on LT is the only weird thing about it. lower left paddle is melee, upper-left is "X button" and standard Dpad for weapon select. Just with those, I'm able to map everything else I need to my standard 5 button mouse with wheelup and down being two other inputs.

I use a Logitech G13 for my left hand because I hate WASD control.

But I never thought of trying a Joy-Con. Definitely going to need to look in to that for games that don't need quite so many buttons.

I moved from the nostromo n50 to the n52s for WoW and RTS games (also Diablo III). I honestly don't like playing them without something like this.
  • #45
Yeah, it's dope. I've been doing this for a while with both the left Joy-Con and the PS Move controller. Really hope this kind of controller combination becomes more popular on consoles as it combines the best of both worlds.
  • #46
It's an underrated control method in general, I've been using PS Move Navigation controller and mouse for a few years now and love it, I've got mouse aiming, I've got analog stick movement, and I've got no hand pain from using a keyboard. It's great in general, not just for those with illness or disabilities. There are a few good videos on Youtube showing just how well it works.

Sadly the attitude you run into so often is that keyboard and mouse is sacred, that the keyboard part must never be replaced with anything, even something designed first and foremost for games, so attempts to ask for games to support controller and mouse inputs at the same time without the UI freaking out usually is met with heavy derision and no support. Recently Paladins even removed support (in a half-ass way, just stops you setting it up) for the control method despite having it there, fully functional, for years - they acknowledged that some players need/want it, and then decided it wasn't worth the effort re-enabling support.

Yeah this is the perfect combo for me. I really dont understand the people who put keyboards on a pedestal for gaming, for 98% of games you dont need 50+ buttons and can do fine with a stick and 6 or 7 buttons
  • #47
I do miss using the PS Nav controller, but the drivers always mess up my bluetooth or usb ports. Is there any better software for it?
  • #48
I use a Logitech G13 for my left hand because I hate WASD control.

But I never thought of trying a Joy-Con. Definitely going to need to look in to that for games that don't need quite so many buttons.

I use a gamepad too, but I always found the Logitech one to uncomfortable. I use an Orbweaver.
  • #49
I moved from the nostromo n50 to the n52s for WoW and RTS games (also Diablo III). I honestly don't like playing them without something like this.
I play D3 entirely on a mouse.
  • #50
Best of both worlds. Though gyro is a very close second. Movement has always been vastly better on a thumbstick. Same for aiming with the mouse.


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